שמע ישראל ה' אלהינו ה' אחד
فمن كان يرجوا لقاء ربه فليعمل عملا صالحا ولا يشرك بعبادة ربه أحدا

Jan 26, 2014

Millenium BC

Posted By Snow at 1/26/2014 4 comments
This theory is meant to be verified

The theory — is it possible for the Israelite
to spread into nations and become leaders
وجعلنا منهم أئمة يهدون بأمرنا [Q32:23-24]

Lets start with the historical events of 1000 BC. I haven't read thoroughly the events, simply summaries. But, if what I read is right, here is a very simplified timeline of key events:

1000 years BC Timeline

10thProphet Solomon inherited Prophet David , and he was blessed to rule the most grand Kingdom in history. The Iron Age in the Near East. The Iron Age and Vedic Period in India. REF The Mandate Of Heaven of Zhou Dynasty in China | Ben David | Crown
9thThe Iron Age in Europe. REF
8thThe Assyrian conquered the Kingdom of Israel - the 10 Tribes were exiled.
7thThe Assyrian dominate, but later fell with the destruction of Nineveh. Scythian metallurgy in Eurasia. MAP | REF REF
6thThe Babylonian dominate. They conquered the Kingdom of Judah - the Jews were exiled and the First Temple was destroyed. Later, the Babylonian fell to the Persian. Under the Persian, the Second Temple was rebuilt & the Jews returned from exile. Faiths began across the world - Greek philosophy (in Europe), Zoroastrianism (Persia), Buddhism, Jainism (India), Confucianism, Taoism (China).
5thPersian-Greek wars. Warring States in China.
4thConquests of Alexander of Macedon, spanning from Europe to the edge of India — they met the Mauriya and became Indo Greeks. Greek civilization spread (Hellenistic Era). Steelmaking in India and China. REF REF
3rdAshoka ruled Maurya Empire in India, and Greco Buddhism spread. The first empire of China, Qin dynasty was founded, followed by the Han dynasty.
2ndThe Romans annexed Greece. REF NCBI
1stThe Romans and Persians dominate.

Ur David (1000 BC) is a naturally preserved mummy found in Xinjiang. Of European appearance, the Tarim mummies DNA is R1A1A  |  REF   WIKI

So, are they related to Brahmins (R1A1*) and Ashkenazi Levites (R1A1) | REF   REF   REF   REF

Haplogroup R is said to be the most prominent on Earth, which may have spread from Central to West Asia


The period around 6th century BC is interesting bcoz various faiths began across the world. It coincides with the period after the Kingdom of Israel & Judah fell, when the Israelite were exiled. [Ben David]

Before the Kingdom of Israel and Judah fell, the previous united Kingdom was the greatest under Prophet Solomon. ملكا لا ينبغي لأحد [Q38:35 | QA] They had the technology to smelt iron. وألنا له الحديد [Q34:10-11 | REF] So, with this higher civilization & might, was the kingdom a super state who protected and guided other nations? فأعينوني بقوة [Q18:83-98] זה דודי וזה רעי

Then after they fell, the Israelite spread across the world into nations. But they're still blessed with prophethood; so with their past civilization, did they taught the people they came to? لتبيننه للناس [Q3:187], ונברכו בך כל משפחת האדמה ובזרעך [Genesis 28:14] Were they very handsome as well, so the people embraced them as leaders? العلم والجسم [Q2:247 | QA]
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

فقد آتينا آل إبراهيم الكتاب والحكمة وآتيناهم ملكا عظيما ...

... We had already given the family of Abraham the Scripture and wisdom and conferred upon them a great kingdom [Partial Holy Quran 4:54]

ولقد اخترناهم على علم على العالمين
And We certainly chose them by knowledge over (all) the worlds [Holy Quran 44:32]
Their brothers, the Ishmaelite did became leaders in Arabia (Quraish) - and they did spread East and West (Abbasid in China, Umayyad in Spain). ماشاء الله

So, did the same thing happened to the Israelite?
Word wise, Rei (רעי) in Song of Solomon 5:16, is like:
Rei رعي, Reis رئيس
Regent регент
Roiyaru ロイヤル
Reis (Turkish)Ríoga (Irish)Rai (Old Khas Kura)
Rigas ρήγας (Greek) Roy (Old French)Rajya राज्य (India)
Rex (Rome, Latin)Royal (English)Raja (Malay)
Reich (German)Rey (Spanish)Rach ราช (Thai)
Regio (Italian)Rei (Portugese)Reach រាជ (Khmer)
It's a word related to leadership.
A grand thing to wonder about & I can only wonder.

I seek refuge in Allah SWT from errors.
Only Allah SWT Knows Best والله أعلم

What happened after all these?
Milleniums AC

Jan 8, 2014

What Is Money

Posted By Snow at 1/08/2014 4 comments
I thought about gold as money after reading a king buys something with 10,000 gold coins in an ancient tale. So, is that what money was? If so, since no gold metal = no gold coins - the money must have been limited to the amount of gold metal. The amount of money that can be made is limited.

 1  Free Flow Of Money

Since the money is limited, the way for the financial system to work is to have the money free flow around in society. E.g.: when you get money, you either pay, buy or donate.  So the money goes to someone else, but you get services, goods or charities in return. These services, goods or charities - are what fulfills your needs - NOT the money.

You may save a bit. But as long as people do not hoard the money, the free flow may reach everyone. والذين إذا أنفقوا لم يسرفوا ولم يقتروا وكان بين ذلك قواما [Q25:67 | QA Finance] وإيتاء الزكاة [Q24:37 | QA Zakat] الحمد لله

 2  Fair Lending

Say you lend 1 gold coin. You cannot account 2 gold coins in your book (1 debt, 1 usury) - as that adds an extra gold coin that does not exist. Simply put - imagine, if the nation has 100,000 gold coins owned by just one person, & he lent it all to you to be returned 200,000 - where are you going to get another 100,000 coins?

That extra coins DOES NOT EXIST.

So no usury. لا تأكلوا الربا [Q3:130] فلا يربو [Q30:39] بحرب من الله [Q2:278-279 | QA Debt]

 3  Price By Demand

In the modern system, prices are set by demand. Say, less wheat harvest causes higher demand for it. So the ones who can pay more money gets the bread. The ones who can't, have nothing. But is this fair? The rich will have bread, and the poor will be hungry. ثم لتسألن يومئذ عن النعيم [Q102:8]

So remain the price & share the bread. وفي أموالهم حق للسائل والمحروم [Q51:19] أو إطعام في يوم ذي مسغبة [Q90:14] This way, burdens will be held collectively, and it is not grieving a section of society.

Maybe Allah SWT will open other ways - more corn, potato, rice harvest? ماشاء الله

& traders can't reduce supplies to increase demand & price as well.
لا يحتكر إلا خاطئ [AD23.3440] النهي عن النجش [AN44.57]

 4  Price Inflation By Time

In the modern system, prices increase by time. Say:
Then: 1 loaf of bread = $0.10
Now: 1 loaf of bread = $1.00

Why is that? See how with $1, you can buy 10 loaves back then, but now you can only buy 1. Even if you have $9 now, you still buy less bread than before. So even with more money, YOU ARE POORER. If this goes on, one day you may need $100 to buy a loaf of bread. The money devalues so much, $1 can't buy anything it is worthless. | Currency Value

Increasing prices may seem to increase wealth. But the reality is, it devalues money. The less money you need to buy goods, the more powerful the money. ما أحد أكثر من الربا إلا كان عاقبة أمره إلى قلة [IM3.12.2279]

 5  Investment & Share Price

OK now you wanna invest in business. The nature is - it can profit, it can lose - there is simply no guarantee, so a rate of return cannot be promised. Just work & pray the business prospers. الحمد لله If you expect a full return (no more no less), that money is a loan. If you expect a rate of return like a loan interest - that could be usury.

OK now lets invest. I'm a beginner... The way I think of it is - when a company offers 1,000 unit of shares at $1 each - they get $1,000 capital & investors get shares in the company.

Only when the company profits, say $200, can it reinvest in growth & give dividends:
• $10 to Mr A who owns 100 units (10% shares)
• $30 to Ms B who owns 300 units (30% shares)
• $60 to you who owns 600 units (60% shares)

Then, the great mystery to me is, why does share prices go up & down in the stock market?

Say a company initial offering is
800 unit of shares at $1 each

real capital = $800
With demand the company offers another
800 unit of shares at $2 each

real capital = $800 + $1,600 = $2,400
With higher share price of $2
an investor sold his $100 shares
• he gets $200 (profits $100) *

real capital = $2,400 - $200 = $2,200 **
if everyone sells, real capital = — $800

* do other investor take these units
** IF real capital refunds these units
When share price falls back to $1
an investor sold his $200 shares
• he gets $100 (loses $100) *

real capital = $2,200 - $100 = $2,100 **
if everyone sells, real capital = $700

there is still capital
at lower share price

So imagine if the share price skyrocket from $1 to $10,000 per unit - if you sell 100 units which you paid for only $100, you are a millionaire. So, what drives that - is it the share trading between investors? But who sets the numbers & pay so exorbitantly? Do I even get this right?

Since money is not a commodity - we cannot trade money, we trade goods using money. Money is a tool.
So if share units represent money (capital), should trading it be forbidden?

I'm still learning! Wishing for the best monetary system.

I seek refuge in Allah SWT from errors
Only Allah SWT Knows Best والله أعلم

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
وكأين من دابة لا تحمل رزقها الله يرزقها وإياكم وهو السميع العليم

And how many a creature carries not its (own) provision.
Allah provides for it and for you. And He is the Hearing, the Knowing.

[Holy Quran 29:60]

The water is from the rain, fruits are from trees, milk are from lambs, bricks from the earth - all given free. الحمد لله It's only how we cultivate it. وابتغوا من فضل الله [Q62:10]

Jan 6, 2014

Universe: In The Beginning

Posted By Snow at 1/06/2014 3 comments
This theory is meant to be verified

The theory — is it possible for the Universe to be formed like this:

In the beginning, there was darkness
& then time, space and matter came into existence ماشاء الله

 1  The Big Bang


From one very dense point كانتا رتقا [Q21:30], where particles are pressurized - these particles gained speed and flew apart - so the universe began to expand (OK pls imagine they fly around). وإنا لموسعون [Q51:47] As the universe expands, the spin of some particles slows down, which attracts other particles like a whirlpool. They clump to form the very first atom - Hydrogen (H).

So there is Hydrogen, surrounded by high energy particles which are invisible. حرسا شديدا وشهبا [Q72:8]
 2  Stars Are Born

Then the Hydrogen (H) atoms clumps - growing in size, pressure & heat. When these atoms gained speed, moving incredibly fast that they smash each other until its nucleus fused - there's nuclear fusion! النجم ثاقب [Q86:1-3] Nuclear fusion created the second element - Helium (He). & turned mass into light. So let there be light - the clumps burn as stars! بمصابيح [Q41:12]
 3  Stars Cook Up More Elements

As the star radiates, nuclear fusion continues inside the star. It forms more & more elements in the periodic table. [ptable] But after Iron (Fe) is created there is not enough energy left in the star, & fusion start to cease.
 4  The Death Of A Star

With energy waning, the star falls down to its core. So it implodes - becoming smaller, which spins the star faster. [rolls] This speeds up the atoms again, and reignites fusion to form more elements. But when this compression reaches its limit, the star explodes as supernova! و إذا النجوم انكدرت [Q81:1-2]
 5  A New Born Galaxy

The supernova blast disperses all the elements it had cooked up around the area. As time pass, these particles form clouds of dust & gas. السماء وهي دخان [Q41:11] Then these dusts & gas clump again, birthing new stars. If the supernova also left a black hole at its center, the child stars form around this black hole - and they become a new galaxy. كل في فلك يسبحون [Q21:33]
 6  The Solar System

Inside this galaxy, dust & gas clump again, birthing new stars. Then when the Sun was born, and planets form around this Sun (Solar System) - this is how the Earth was born. وللأرض ائتيا [Q41:11]

PONDER : when stars are born, did it generate visible light and heat

خلقت الملائكة من نور، وخلق الجان من مارج من نار
The Angels were created from light, and the
Jinns were created from spark of fire



I'm still learning how the Universe began. Hope I get this right [Q23:71]
The Holy Quran reveals many verses about the Universe ماشاء الله | QA Space

I seek refuge in Allah SWT from errors
Only Allah SWT Knows Best والله أعلم

Earth  NEXT ‎▶

Peace be upon you

Bat Zion


קרן  .:💡:.  قرن
now in the cave

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