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Jan 21, 2013

Sweet Home

Posted By Snow at 1/21/2013
So, I wonder if we could build a good home for everyone. I thought of adobe houses [wiki] & destiny brought me to Hassan Fathy. [web] Apparently he is Egypt's best architect since Imhotep. (0 - 0)

Anyway check out my floor plan! (◠v◠)v Can we do this at good cost for the poor? وفي أموالهم حق للسائل والمحروم [Q51:19] Is it like moulding clay (or other material) into lego-like bricks to build a house?

BTW, the lego is how they plan to build the tallest buiding in 90 days. [ref] Yeah, totally! Why don't construction companies do that. Share lego block parts of a home ready to install or remove. It'll be like the IKEA of the construction industry, isn't it? Hmm...

Can building the home be like assembling an IKEA furniture?

4 comments on "Sweet Home"

Snow on Jan 21, 2013, 3:39:00 PM said...

BTW why is houses so expensive? It's as if you have to be in debt your whole life just to own a house. It's a risk & burden.

So, can we just build beautiful homes at decent cost for everyone, especially the lower income? Can conglomerates build these homes & rent-sale it to them. By rent-sale, I mean they'll pay monthly until a time to fully own the house. If they can't continue payment, we'll consider pass payments as rent.

Plus these homes could span for generations! The people will eventually die, but God Wills, these homes will still be there for a long time for the coming generations. ماشاء الله

Honestly, isn't it a good investment? Well, if we can pay RM50,000 for an hour of singing, why is building a home for a family that can span generations even hard. v(◠v◠)v

Snow on Jan 21, 2013, 3:40:00 PM said...

Plus it's beautiful for the nation anyway, everywhere you look the homes are nice.

Snow on Nov 10, 2017, 4:45:00 PM said...

Is the currency exchange why foreigners own properties when they don't even live there; while the locals who actually do cannot afford the houses?

Snow on Mar 11, 2019, 7:22:00 PM said...

While providing homes for the citizens especially for the lower income levels, rent from residential apartments can be a source of income for the government

Peace be upon you

Bat Zion


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