שמע ישראל ה' אלהינו ה' אחד
فمن كان يرجوا لقاء ربه فليعمل عملا صالحا ولا يشرك بعبادة ربه أحدا

Mar 1, 2012


Posted By Snow at 3/01/2012

A palette of colors

3D surface using Bezier
First of all, I'm not trained in graphic designing. I'm a computer science graduate majoring in computer graphics. What I did in uni was mostly serious programming. Like illumination and photo editing. Yes, we build the actual photo editor. I'm saying this bcoz, I once felt I had it hard building it.

Well, there's serious maths in mine. (T - T)

Moving on. I sure did not learn what colors matches with what. So, I dunno if I should talk about graphic designing. Although, that's my profession - twice. But since I'm not trained in graphic designing, I honestly do not know. All my graphic design so far have been by sheer instinct. It's up to whatever looks nice.


Still if you ask me, I think beauty can come in many forms. Bcoz art is abstract. Personally, I feel Einstein explained it well. It's "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results". As in, what you think is beautiful now can be ugly later (or to another), then you or he changed mind or whatever. It's Einstein's definition of insanity. (◠v◠)

All & all, in one of my final projects, I measured and scaled... I was reading Alhambra at that time, and came to know of the Golden Ratio. So. I was enlightened that it's mostly in the proportion & harmony. So...

Proportion & harmony. ووضع الميزان [Q55:7-8], وصوركم فأحسن صوركم [Q64:3]

That's what I think makes things beautiful. ماشاء الله

I think these designs are beautiful
From Saudi Telecom Company & arabic calligraphies
I think STC really captures the essence of EM radiation

4 comments on "Beautiful"

Snow on Mar 2, 2012, 3:24:00 AM said...

Ohhh I love STC design so much! It looks so ghostly. Ha ha.. Yeah I could've used a better choice of word, in this case "spirited" (◠v◠)

I think it really captures the essence of electromagnetic radiation. I feel all that data hovering around me.

Snow on Jul 27, 2012, 6:19:00 AM said...

& pls know that some people carries very heavy burdens in their life. So sometimes they need that childhood playfulness to balance that out. If they were very "adult", will they break? I did see how some people in wars develop awesome sense of humor. ماشاء الله

Yes, there goes your plan to live up to 300 years! (◠v◠)

Snow on Jul 31, 2012, 5:29:00 PM said...

Yes, the previous time it was 200 years. So looks like it has marked up since the last time. v(◠v◠)v

Snow on Sep 14, 2018, 7:18:00 AM said...

STC should do an ad where it's logo roams a house ☎ the phone is possessed v(◠v◠)v
The "roaming" is like fragrance - when you smell it, it goes straight to your blood stream

Peace be upon you

Bat Zion


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